Ive been getting off course- Big Time!
And maybe that’s a problem for you as well.
I haven’t been posting in here and my productivity on my book has slowed.
Yes, my business has never been more successful, but by doing the exercise of setting goals it refocuses my attention on what I want and where I am lacking.
One of the areas Ive been lacking in is connection. Sometimes we can focus too much on business, success, and other areas and our relationships suffer. Its really healthy to want to have those connections. They empower you.
If you set goals on New Years, there are probably areas where you are lacking and doing them again on July 4th (or this weekend), helps you course correct.
Fitness goals are the best for this time of year. Why? Because, while I live in gorgeous sunny Southern California, many of you live in cold areas, and setting new workout goals in January is hard. It can be cold and dark when you want to work out and its a challenge. So, July is actually a great time to work on fitness goals. Its beautiful, its warm outside, it stays lighter for longer.
I’m going to share a new tip I discovered that will help you reach these new goals.
More on that later.
Thanks for visiting my blog.