Better Goal Setting
Im really glad that I was able to set goals this past weekend. And I added something extra that I think will be incredibly helpful to me to stay accountable throughout the year in reaching those goals. And Im going to share this new strategy with you. Many times in the past, I went […]
Make life Ten Times Better
Do you want a life thats 10% Better or TEN TIMES Better?
Why I set Goals over the July 4th holiday
Ive been getting off course- Big Time! And maybe that’s a problem for you as well. I haven’t been posting in here and my productivity on my book has slowed. Yes, my business has never been more successful, but by doing the exercise of setting goals it refocuses my attention on what I want and […]
Smart Strategies
“If I have seen further than others, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Sir Isaac Newton Smart Strategies The hard part is over. You are here. You’ve come to that place, that time, that moment, where you said I want more. I want a bigger life. I want […]